When are D-graded neighborhoods not degraded?
Greening the legacy of redlining
This paper explores how geography shapes the legacy of redlining, the systemic mortgage lending bias against minority us neighborhoods. On average, redlined neighborhoods…

Constructing panesl of tree canopy from aerial imagery
This paper develops a fully-automated workflow for constructing panels of tree canopy from high-resolution multispectral imagery with limited near-infrared (NIR) training…

Face-to-Face interaction and the urban environment
We measure face-to-face interactions as the coincidence in space and time of two cellphone users who have previously called each other or who start doing so after the event.…


The Park Movement and the Urban Mortality Transition
This project studies how the improvements in the urban physical space (the park movement) implemented between 1850 and 1950 contributed to the urban mortality transition in…

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